Osteopathy Treatment of musculoskeletal pain, like a ‘cricked’ neck or niggling pain in your lower back or shoulder. Podiatry The treatment of aches, pains and conditions in your feet. Massage Applying pressure, kneading and massage movement for both relaxation and recovery. Rolfing A deep tissue postural alignment therapy to increase joint congruence and help muscles to rebalance. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy A well-established talking therapy to treat common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Health & Life Coaching Health and life coaching is a practice dedicated to helping individuals live fulfilling lives. Reflexology A way of massage using reflex points on the feet, to help relieve tension and pain in other parts of the body. Cosmetic Procedures Safe cosmetic treatments including anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. Homeopathy Treatment of aliments by doses of natural substances, to stimulate the body’s own healing powers. Nutritional Therapy A personalised approach of balancing food, supplements and general lifestyle habits to improve your health and wellbeing.